Friday, December 17, 2010

On Track

SO, this last semester has been an unbelievably difficult challenge for me. There is so much I have learned and at the same time so much left to learn. I have been blessed to study under doctrinally sound, Godly, and challenging professors. I have been stretched beyond limits I didn't imagine possible. I have questioned my beliefs, my foundations and my faith and often came out with answers that are uncomfortable and life changing. I am encouraged and my faith is strengthened by the fact that many of my thoughts, processes, and understanding may change drastically, but a few things remain. The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. He gave himself up to be crucified on a cross and sacrificed himself for my forgiveness. On Sunday morning, the tomb where he was laid was empty. He is coming back to take me home.

There have been many times when things get tight that I wonder if we are doing the right thing. The future seems foggy and uncertain. The present is often times even less clear. Late nights, long days, crossed eyes and headaches - and I have never been more sure. God is working on me like a potter and clay. Even though it hurts and is difficult, I see what he is doing in my life.

I have never been closer to my kids or more involved with every aspect of their lives. Even under the circumstances, there is a peace about our house and in my relationship with my wife that I haven't known for years. God has promised to provide for those who are faithful to him, but being faithful to him means selling out, going all in, or putting it all on the line. Lukewarm doesn't cut it.

I pray that I may remain on track, and keep the derailments away (however minor they may be). I pray that my focus may remain solely on Jesus Christ, the author and perfecter of my faith and that every decision in my life is made with his purpose and his will in mind. I pray that I may constantly make my way toward living a life that is free from sin and the bondage it bring.

We are all called to live our lives in this way in whatever we are doing. it doesn't make a difference who we work for or with, we are called to be the incarnation of the love of Christ to all people. Stay on track. Avoid the pride, materialism and greed that our affluent culture drives us toward. Live for him each day, each hour, each moment.

1 comment:

  1. Wow...I love how you have such a way with words. I completely agree. It's been a crazy ride so far, but I've never felt more sure about anything as I have for the past year and a half. We are doing the right hard as it is sometimes! I just know it...He has a plan for you, and for our family. Love you!
